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3 unexpected lessons from reading old books.

1. Intelligent people have always been outnumbered and outcasted from time.

2. Betrayal is nothing new and happens to the best of us.

3. None of my best ideas or personal struggles are original.

@houseoftolstoy @mutageno it’s unfortunate how for such a long time now, people want to complain about the problems in modern society and you can gain a large audience/support through content creation by complaining about problems, but then you lose or divide your audience once you advocate for solutions. People would rather advocate for a solution that has never worked, then to accept a solution that goes against their ideals, we can talk about problems all day but never offer real solutions.

@[email protected] well to be fair this isn’t based off of research, but I can’t really think of any major diseases at the top of my head, that scientists have come out with a full blown cure. I see research in treatments, but we still don’t have the technology or resources to prevent many genetic diseases which includes many kinds of cancers, dimentia or even heart disease.

@[email protected] still no cure for cancer or a lot of diseases for that matter, it seems a lot of technology and science has stagnated in the last few decades, it’s crazy how you haven’t really heard of any major scientific breakthroughs recently other than CRISPR.

@mutageno I found a source from 2016 it’s a blog not an article but it has citations, and it specifically states that men have 60% more lean muscle mass, 75% more upper body muscle mass, 80% greater arm muscle mass, and 50% lower body mass. Also men have 50% higher bone density, less body fat as a percentage of total body mass and more fast twitch muscle fibers which explains why they’re faster/more agile as well. The average man is stronger than 99.9% of women.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.