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@southpole21 @zebuceta @tournel I have some hope seeing this, I believe that after society collapses and we’re rebuilding most men will recognize and understand why women shouldn’t have power. It is the weak men who are enforcing women’s rights, but when those men parish as the system breaks down into collapse/ civil war, the strong men who will rebuild will understand that you cannot have a society built on equality. I even saw Tim Pool saying that only people subject to the draft should vote.

Females typically subvert movements and hobbies and ruin it.
One reason "conservatism" is toothless today, among others.
If you want to derail a community, saturate it with females

@Tfmonkey Just saw this. People generally know there's a problem. They can feel it. They can see it. It's clear to them they're getting raped. What they don't have, likely by design, is a clear understanding of how the government, hand in hand with their corrupt big money corpo buddies, are raping the financial future of everyone in the country not in the know. Which is the vast majority of the population.

An ever growing, parasite feeding welfare state paired with the elimination of capitalism

@Stahesh right lol, all my friends were born in the 90s even when I was still in middle school/high school I never talked to anyone born after 2000.

@zebuceta yeah I agree, but in the video he specifically predicts a large backlash from men in the next 10-20 years if not much sooner. Even he doesn’t see the gynocentric system lasting another 10 years. His videos give me a little more hope just saying.

@zebuceta everything he said in the video was spot on, though he tried to tow the line saying twra isn’t the way and he’s afraid of a huge male uprising as feminism gets worse. One thing I knew he was wrong about was when he referenced the famous bell curve which shows men and women having equal IQs which is not true because it specifically samples pubescent girls, and prepubescent boys. Also he seems to be okay with first wave feminism. Video is worth watching though.

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