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@zebuceta he also made a recent video about feminism, he predicts that there will be a huge backlash against feminism as more and more men check out of the dating pool.

“Country founded by rich old white men” - nah they weren’t old they just wore white wigs.

We've isolated the variables. We've done the studies. The answer is clear.

The Baby Boomers will be known throughout the many future decades of western civilization as the most entitled, short sighted, selfish, intellectually lacking, parasitically socially degenerative generation in history.

Christianity is not a western religion. It is a religion from the middle east that is fundamentally afflicted with slave morality. Before Constantine, life wasn't fair and people accepted that it wasn't fair. Weakness was a cardinal "sin" whereas its a virtue in christendom.

@Tfmonkey I can absolutely confirm that comparing oneself to other people is not the way to go. If we all compared ourselves to Alexander the Great then we would all come up short. How can any mortal man today say they achieved anything noteworthy when Alexander conquered Persia before the age of 30? Even the elites today, born into their positions of power, would pale in comparison to Alexander the Great. There are other great men, such as Marcus Aurelius, that could serve this example.

@Tfmonkey Remember, its not actually about the environment and never has been. Its all just a part of intersectionality IE communism.

@houseoftolstoy that’s a fair point, but I would argue that if women weren’t in the workforce, wages could increase and that wage increase would push a lot of men into a higher tax bracket and it could significantly increase their collected tax revenue. Also without the welfare state, taxes could be lowered significantly and put more money/ productivity into the economy. The government does gain benefit taxing more people overall, but the cost is more people dependent on their system.

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