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@zebuceta paypigs I would say fall under the simp category, I was more talking about how all men will be divided by, regardless of whether women see them or not. But yeah most men will be invisible it’s sad honestly seeing things only get worse.

If you’re not in the top 4% of men in looks don’t even bother going on dating apps. My prediction for as long as this trend continues men will be divided into five categories, bulls, cucks, simps, incels and mgtow.

"MOST CORRUPT - Lynden Baines Johnson - LBJ - Forgotten History"

@kaiservenom I will say one thing, he’s definitely wrong when he says patriarchy won’t be restored and that the system won’t collapse. We will definitely see a collapse of the current system in our life time it’s just inevitable.

@zebuceta @RadiumLE85 I looked at Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and The Weimar Republic it didn’t take them that many years before they completely hyperinflated. The Weimar Republic had a few years of printing money before they had hyperinflation between 1920-1923 recovered between 1924-1929 than crashed again 1929-1933, Venezuela had several years between 2010-2017, Zimbabwe 2006-2009 dropped off then came back in 2019-2022. It might not take that long to collapse when the dollar is dropped globally.

@ButtWorldsMan Men are just naturally more interested in the outside physical world than women. Whatifalthis pointed out that men see the physical world as their primary place for entertainment, conflict and competition, while putting their relationships and personal life on the back burner. Meanwhile women are the opposite, they put relationships as their primary avenue of entertainment, conflict and competition while putting the physical world on the back burner.

@Stahesh it reminds me of the good old days of playing COD Black Ops and MW2 online talking shit about random people’s moms on Free For All, Search and Destroy and Teamdeathmatch, I guess it would now be considered “Toxic Gamer Bro Behavior” those were the days, I’m nostalgic for it.

Responsibility without authority is slavery? I wonder where he got that from 🧐

@sardonicsmile @37712 yeah honestly sometimes I can’t help but have accelerationist thoughts/tendencies but then again I need time to prep because I want to be part of the rebuilding process after the dust settles.

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