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Pagan larpers simps are just as pathetic as Swazi NotC larping simps. Both pretend their way was correct and empowering cunts. Cuz they watched Vikings Tv show or footage of Ger cunts exercising. In reality both are simps wrong

Christfaggotry was globohomo, equality, feminism 1.0 which destroyed the Aryan European races and spread the god of Yisroel and Torah to the White goy.

"America isn't corrupt, we have a real Democracy and Rule of Law here."

Meanwhile right after the 2020 election they killed the Governor of Georgia's son-in-law when Kemp asked for an audit of the mail in ballots cast in his state.

@Tfmonkey Here's proof that the communists dont care about the environment. Proof that they are just trying to monopolize energy.

Fractional reserve banking and unrestrained government spending.

IDK about houses being that cheap back then, but the point is valid.

This is the result of using fiat slave-coin.

@southpole21 @zebuceta @tournel yeah it’s insane how if we were talking about repealing the 19th back in 2016/2017 people would completely dismiss us, now I’m starting to hear people outside the manosphere talking about balancing rights/responsibilities. It takes time for these things to manifest, we’re just ahead of the curve.

Look at how sharp Milton Friedman was at 87 and compare him to a lot of Boomers that are running the country today.

"Women Will Become Conservative Because They Want To Date Conservative Men"
-Tim Pool

He finally realizes what a female chameleon is.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.