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There is a reason why women were kept at home. To not fuck society up.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @zebuceta Honestly as long as the message gets out there and people listen it doesn’t matter who says it.

@zebuceta it’s baby steps, he also I believed talked about the Net Tax Payer system. I even saw PearlyThings making Tshirts that say women shouldn’t vote.

Klaus Schwab banned vaccinated pilots from transporting members of the World Economic Forum to and from Davos because of the security risks they pose.

Josh Yoder, head of the American anti-vaccination pilot group Freedom Flyers, said he receives inquiries from Davos elites interested in hiring unvaccinated pilots for their business trips.

"Now he's getting calls from wealthy businessmen and companies asking him to fly their executives in business jets with unvaccinated crew."

so its official, we are going in to lockdowns again. many of you guys think this time it will just be lockdowns light but I am here to remind you that we now have WHO pandemic treaties signed, shit could get really bad this time. I believe first thing they will do is mass censorship, force vaccination with digital ID verification, then make all money digital only, quietly start confiscating guns, stay at home lock downs for everyone with social credit system in place.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.