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The internet has made me have a very jaded/ negative view on women.

@37712 @Scubbie also keep in mind that if Trump wins the FBI might take him out, they can’t let him win either way.

Guys. Don't ever feel bad about the collapse.

It's inevitable.

@Scubbie @37712 yeah it doesn’t matter if they can steal the election anyways, I want to see this system go too don’t get me wrong, but I also don’t want to die lol.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh we just got to wait for society and the single motherhood state to collapse.


Not long now until reality snaps back. Dude, this is how easy it actually is to take women's rights away.

Re: Genocide.

TFM mentioned Leopold II on the Saturday show. Here's the context for how many he killed:

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.