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@I_AmTheKnight @Pain66

I like what she's doing. Everyone bitching about how she stands on the shoulders of male redpill giants are missing the point - that's how reality works, and at this point in time only a young woman can say the things she says and not get cancelled.

Women getting into the fight is necessary to call out all these godamned tradcon simps. Looking at you Daily Wire zio fucks.

@Pain66 even women are telling men TWRA lol, the answer is right in front of us blaring what we should do. I’ve seen PearlyThings with shirts that she’s selling with the words “Women shouldn’t vote” it’s interesting.

Listening to the beanie boy talk about this and I had no idea this absolute Panaman legend was pure boomer testosterone. You'd probably get TRT therapy by drawing his blood.

When he got out of his car, he said, "This ends today." Then he had women arguing with him and he said he didn't want to talk to any hoes. He wanted to speak to men.

I can't support this man enough. True role model for our lost generation.

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Or you could just take their rights away and save all that money and not collapse the west. Man Japan sure loves being the wests bitch.

This was a gem, I think this video was from 2015 or 2016. I remember watching this in my early days of getting redpilled. Glad Hammerhand uploaded it on

Yeah we’re fucked. When gta 5 went mainstream this was to be expected tbh.

@UncleIroh @sardonicsmile I see her videos pop up on my YouTube feed a lot, I don’t know why, but I’ve only seen one of her videos

@Islamisright I mean I don’t agree with everything Peterson says, but I believe in the notion that a broken clock is right once a day.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.