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I still remember this one picture from my history textbook that depicted German people sleeping on literal ropes
People were too broke to afford even bread, so how could they afford homes?
So what they'd do is tie a rope between two points at around chest height, and then 5-6 people would just lie over that rope and sleep like that
It was actually insane just how much Germany was blamed for WW1, and how much they were fucked in the ass. They were even denied basic human rights essentially
The same human rights that the west loves to shout about from the rooftops and the same human rights that they were supposedly trying to defend in WW2


If you pretend to like and dislike different things than you do to impress women then if you get a woman who likes you because of who she thinks you are then she will dump you if you act like you really like and dislike the things you do which will result in self inflicted torture by avooding things you like and exposing yourself to things you dislike to prevent getting dumped

@shortstories I’m a Zoomer that listens to mostly older music. There have been recent studies to suggest that music has become less complex over the last few decades, not just the music itself but also the lyrics/song writing has become less diverse.

@shortstories @Scubbie Also, a lot of women go to college because they get large amounts of Pell grants and free money for being women. If we simply took away affirmative action, DEI, gender based scholarships and grants, I think a lot of women would not go to college knowing they would not get a free ride. All we simply need to do is get rid of all the advantages they have over men, it sounds so simple yet almost unpractical because of the current circumstances. This based shit dropped in my recommended from 5 years ago never subed this guy

@Stahesh @Scubbie @Tfmonkey
Lol Towards the end she made the point of “shitting” out kids makes her valuable to society. That bitch needs to take a serious look at the millions of multigenerational welfare queens and their multi-generational crotch fruit. Jesus crist

@sardonicsmile Just like most Tradcons, they’re pretty based when it comes to geopolitics, society, economics and wokism but are pretty blue pilled when it comes down to male/female dynamics.

@sardonicsmile I’m subbed to him on YouTube, he makes interesting videos when it comes to geopolitics and economics.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.