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@mutageno Trap game wasn’t strong enough I presume.

It kind of pisses me off everytime I hear black women blaming black men for the destruction of the black family, when in reality they’re the ones who drove the men out once they didn’t need them anymore. Most black men in the black community aren’t even creating most of the children, only 16% of the men are creating 80% of the kids, they complain about the thugs/ drug dealers but then call men with normal jobs and who don’t emmulate gang culture as corny.

Theory: when NPR reports on a "conspiracy theory" it's 100% true and is a signal for NPR-tribe to ignore something with all power, because it's true and the evidence is irrefutable.

This is an old source but it’s useful (not that old but still from 2016), “between the ages of 23-65 men generate more tax revenue than they cost.”“By the end of her life a woman will have a negative fiscal impact of 150k”.
“Within 10 years of women’s suffrage, the government doubled their tax revenue and expenditure in the USA.” This is a study from New Zealand and it’s a summary from analysis by Academics and New Zealand Treasury Officials.


A lot of good segments in this stream I like Rollo, he’s responding to JRE interviewing Evolutionary Psychologist Dr. David Buss talking about dualistic mating strategies and ovulatory shift. At 2:35:47 he’s calls mgtow “spergtows” and lumps us with bpillers. Overall it’s a good stream also at 4:21:35 he talks about the JustPearlyThings controversy when she interviewed Nick Fuentes and claimed not to know who he was, essentially alienating her black audience.

I like the Whatever podcast better than F&F in my opinion, Michael Knowles is a pretty good debater and is extremely concise at explaining things even though he’s a tradcon he didn’t come off as arrogant or condescending when he told them the facts, especially considering how educated/ intelligent he is.

Another rant.

woman now a day complain, men are not approaching them, HOW CAN WE?? since we were kids, we have been shamed and punished fir approaching woman, and the rare few moments we do, we get rejected.

THE MOMENT WE DO IT, WE GET PTSD FROM IT!!! and another thing, i already had this opinion but, i saw someone bringing it up, about ED been an emotional thing, NO SHIT!! compare this, with porn, we find chicks that look like the chicks and fap, in reality, REJECTIN AFTER REJECTION... so ED

I learned so much from Thomas Sowell, so far I’ve only read three of his books, and everytime it’s such a wealth of knowledge.

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