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Interesting about the Coverture Laws “In the 19th and 20th centuries, women could own property/inherit property, they could own their father’s business and did have many rights/privileges, but once they were married their husband was legally responsible for them and the children. Basically women had more power outside of marriage than inside of marriage, but now in the present men have more power outside of marriage than inside of marriage due to the power of the state.”

A message to the younglings out there who are going through high school or University.

Tell what people want to hear and ghost in plain sight.

Here on the merovingian space I get to make unpopular political statements without fear of reprisal. What times we live in!

We’re pretty much a country of loners, America isn’t really a country in my eyes, we’re like one giant shopping mall full of individuals who only look out for themselves. When the family broke down so did communities, and because families are broken that also led to high rates of mental health issues in millennials/gen z.

@Tfmonkey Have you seen this movie? It's from 2006. That you when you worked in intel???

@Stahesh that’s why the Greeks believed men were the fairer sex, it explains why there were many statues of men in Ancient Greece because the male body is more physically impressive than the female body. The Male of most sexually dimorphic species looks objectively better than the female ie Lions, Peacocks, Primates, Deer etc the female looks quite unimpressive in these species compared to the male.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.