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It's a good call whatever the problem is.

This Wednesday show was pretty entertaining, but I still think the funniest "fact check" we got from Halsey had to be the hospital that Israel totally did not bomb. Also, I believe Halsey's outfit needs an update:

A man high on get thrown in jail for shooting his girlfriend once under the influence.
A woman gets 2 years probation and no jail time after stabbing her boyfriend 100 times under the influence of .

How lovely feminist justice system is.

Working with mostly guys lately and it's SO better than working with mostly women in real estate.

No backstabbing, fakery, constant monitoring, screwing each other over, grudges held. Everyone actually helps and goes BEYOND for each other.

I've even found the black men in society who show up to work, have real intelligence, have manners, and are willing to drive an hour to get to work.

It's a JOY.

For all the "positivity in the workplace," it was awful. But THIS group is more respectful.

I still remember this one picture from my history textbook that depicted German people sleeping on literal ropes
People were too broke to afford even bread, so how could they afford homes?
So what they'd do is tie a rope between two points at around chest height, and then 5-6 people would just lie over that rope and sleep like that
It was actually insane just how much Germany was blamed for WW1, and how much they were fucked in the ass. They were even denied basic human rights essentially
The same human rights that the west loves to shout about from the rooftops and the same human rights that they were supposedly trying to defend in WW2


If you pretend to like and dislike different things than you do to impress women then if you get a woman who likes you because of who she thinks you are then she will dump you if you act like you really like and dislike the things you do which will result in self inflicted torture by avooding things you like and exposing yourself to things you dislike to prevent getting dumped

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.