@DoubleD @VooDooMedic
if you’re talking about “it”, don’t bother, it’s a direct quote from the simpsons
@ButtWorldsMan @DoubleD @Justicar call me sentimental but I’m a sucker for the old, classic teams we used to have: spear chucker, jungle bunny, coon, spook, porch monkey, etc. you use these terms with today’s kids and they’ll look at you funny
I’d never imagine how relevant this scene was 9 years ago
@MrpoopyButhole @sardonicsmile especially while drunk driving on highways
They encapsulated me so well. Kudos, Kamala and friends. Kudos
@DoubleD what would you want to discuss?
@DoubleD @UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan okay, fair point
@DoubleD @UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan I don't see the power angle in hooking up with Bix Nood Dindu and getting beat/murder by them after spitting out horrible looking gobbling children
@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan Like how women are predisposed to committing stupid decisions that end up getting them killed, the Jews are predisposed for advocating their own genocide
@CliffSecord @KimCrayton1 @KiKi88 @matty
u ain’t getting shit nigga, besides we already lost dat n shiet
It's not just a meme, the smoke detector really eludes them
> they'll be giving up sex dolls
Do you think we'll ever live to see the day where a show like Opra hides a sex doll under the studio chairs, giving away free sex dolls to all audience members?
> they no longer acknowledge seasons
> seasons are caused by tilt of Earth axis relative to the sun
> can’t have tilt if Earth is flat
Ergo, climate changers are also flat earthers
@sardonicsmile growing up "beat the chicken" was a euphemism for masturbation. Thanks for ruining my childhood, kikes
@DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan okay guys so my idea is like Weekend at Bernie’s, but instead of Bernie… it’s the president! And instead of the weekend, it’s for like five months
@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan true but I was looking forward to more dementia moments in the debates
@ButtWorldsMan wtf he has a kid?