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Watching this video of out curiosity and to confirm if this guy matches the expectation of the Smuggie here. Pretty much.

But I had the moment of "are you freaking kidding me" was that he stated at around the 30:20 minute mark when he said "she was the only one in the argument actually offering statistics rather than emotion."

The "statistics?" That 1/3 women in the US get raped.

Offering statistics means nothing when your statistics are bullshit.

Keep this one in your back pocket for when you need to deal with some boosted dummy.

You're welcome.

For all the whiteknights attacking Andrew Tate:

- Andrew Tate has 10 million followers on just one of his platforms, despite cancellation.
- Your NJP simps only got 600 at their peak.
- 66% of men ages 18-30 have stopped dating completely. Which means that wifejack will never have the same relevance to young White men that Andrew Tate does.
- The total subjugation of women under the authority of men works (patriarchy). The Taliban is right about women.

It's crazy that the US will literally occupy Lebanon to defend Israel, force Lebanon and other Arab countries to pay for its own occupation and paint their precious jews as the victims of Israelis invading, bombing and raking the corpses of their neighbors.
How can men everywhere still not see it?

The Department of Education was established in 1980. The US first sent men to the moon in 1969. In the year 2024, the US can no longer send men to the moon. Perhaps the Department of Education doesn't just like as the Department of Defense doesn't and Department of Health and Human Services doesn't.

Only recently did TFM find out Halsey is fine with zionism. Kinda weird to know so little about such a major cohost (a friend too right?) but ok. He also thought Halsey lived in some Jewish gated community in the middle of nowhere, like the Amish, until a few weeks ago he learned Jews just take over cities.

So little curiosity for the Jewish insight. If I had a Jewish cohost, I'd ask questions...

But I have to agree, Halsey does help the show, because without him, it wouldn't be on youtube.

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