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bro, Halsey leaving the exact moment TFM was going to talk about the info hack on Israeli intelligence is SUS as fuck.

the left has successfully memory holes the Trump assassination attempt.


Here's more degenerate thinking to add to the cesspool.

Imagine being so gaslit by queer ideology that you accidentally circle back to hetero.

“If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob,” “But if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it.”

Dave Chappelle

BREAKING NEWS ALERT 🚨: the coomer meta has shifted. Women have noticed the popularity increase in tranny gooning online, so real women are now pretending to be trannies to make money off of the faggots who normally goon to trannies, thereby taking goon bux away from the real trannies.

So we have frankenstein freaks who are pretending to be women mad at real women who are pretending to be trannies.

Reject normality. Embrace clown world.

Oh no, we're busted!! Incel-mageddon, cop drama edition!!

Looking at you @VeganMGTOW ..

We never really question the normative waters we swim in. Plenty of fucked up things become normal that serve to salami-slice our culture away.

Credit scoring is one of these. There's no practical difference between this and the Chinese Social Credit scoring system.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.