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@BowsacNoodle It was full of drama-loving drama queens. Those places which actively seek drama to consume will always have problems like this.

Someone argued with someone else and started their own thing called Newer Asswipes Social or something.

Besides that, I don't care about the specifics.

@TylerAbeoJordan Yes, I'm sure she didn't stay home because there wasn't a strong man around. She would have been perfectly satisfied with a single income life. If only society hadn't forced her into the workplace and forced her to vote for policies that caused the economy to self-destruct. Poor women. No woman would leave a strong man once they had him, right?

Sounds like you don't need my advice. I'll see myself out.

@TylerAbeoJordan Women just are never satisfied until there's nothing left. This has nothing to do with competing with men.

@boburtle What an ingrate. He doesn't even know he'd be dead and useless right now if there wasn't anyone to wipe the mirror. 0/0 husband. More liie HusBAD, amirite?

Fucking retard, asking questions. How dare he. I DON'T KNOW HOW HE DARES! Privileged fuck. Not like his wife, who isn't privileged at all.

@Tfmonkey Are you getting this printed on a canvas to hang in your home?

Unusual subject matter (Male Loneliness) for his channel, but he covers it well for normie men, riding the line a bit at the beginning.

But I really like that he offers solutions / suggestions in both mindset and practical action. I may have to re-sub to him.

I think some of us are really just realizing that it IS more likely that these tunnels are for disgusting purposes than for a less fucked up, reasonable-human reason.

Giving the benefit of the doubt is for rare events that don't match with what we usually see / know.

I think this fits the commonly seen truths and known reports going back decades. And because I'm not on a jury in a courtroom, I won't be assuming they're innocent until proven guilty.

@Zeb @dander I once upon a time had a half-relationship (long distance online) with an autistic girl. He's not missing anything at all.

She ended up being just as much of a liar and chameleon, and as petty (after) as any woman I've ever met.

Literally exactly the same, except this one sometimes punched herself in the face.

@RodrickSage Even local, I've seen. Doesn't matter how much more competent and experienced you are. Especially if you dare to not have social media and you have facial hair that isn't Neckbeard Red. If you aren't dumpy or gay, they aren't interested.

@kf01 I was "defeated" by a woman, too. She left a screw in the street and I continued with my life only after being inconvenienced for about 10 minutes. It was devastating. I'm sure Rome understands.

Make sure you take investment advice from teenagers(!)

Girl, I'm not even watching an hour-long video, let alone one on crypto, and even less by some female, not to mention a fucking child (redundant?).

That's at LEAST three strikes.

@UncleIroh @shortstories Careful what you admit in public!

In Soviet Russia, tie knots YOU!

@shortstories @UncleIroh 🤣 I suspect you're right. You've a keen eye, my friend.

@shortstories @UncleIroh Y'all don't ignore my Putin comment. Don't sleep on his tie presentation.

"He don't miss!"

Look at that shit. I respect the hell out of that necktie.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.