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@Mongoliaboo Sure, just like how "gravity" technically means "significance." But this is a pretty heavy stretch.

@BowsacNoodle Holy crap, thank you! Lots of options to play around with here.

@BowsacNoodle KJV translates more directly from the original languages (and uses the Greek Septuagint as an "assist"), but most importantly, it doesn't have the influence of more modern theological/cultural/Zionist viewpoints when translating. I had NO idea how important this was until I started realizing that we might be living under a completely false history. There are 2 earlier english translations, but they're seen as having more cultural bias in them. KJV is also pre-Age of "Enlightenment"

@kaiservenom Great portrayal of a father-son strained relationship, Garfield's dad and John are shown to be caring people, and the villain was a female cat. They even snuck in a love story between a male and a female (cows).

The Garfield Movie was good, man. Jim Davis as producer undoubtedly made a big difference.

@MeBigbrain I really didn't mind Drexel. I liked the way he spoke to other guests and tried to include everyone in the conversation. He was the decent one, I always thought.

@MeBigbrain This retard says he's a Christian - and that Jesus was a sinful "piece of shit just like us."

His wife got felt up at a massage parlor without resisting AT ALL, he posts pictures of his wife stepping on him, lets his wife post sexy semi-nude photos in fan chat groups, and literally never felt bad about being an unnecessary asshole to normal people, nor was willing to self-reflect when criticized by fans.

From Based to Cuck Lolcow FAST. Dropped him years ago after the Vic verdict.

@FreakSpeely It is, though. Blacks will fuck anything, like an animal.

Remember what they took from us.

Horizons, Spicy Chicken Bites at Jack in the Box, and Harambe.

@garcasm Decentr, Y Browser, Kiwi Browser, Brave, Opera. I rotate between these when something isn't working how I want it to work.

I have no idea how close to "compromised" they are.

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey It looks like you might just have a setting where she's shy or something. I'd start by reviewing the "traits" section under the "Prompts" menu. That might be all you need to do. If that doesn't work, try toggling different datasets on and off and / or a different AI model first.

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