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@Mr_Mister @Based_Accelerationist over the hill doesn't mean you can't pull a trigger,it means you will pull it first before you let some young punk get close

@Tfmonkey @Zeb @Stahesh @Mr_Mister How long before he gets it is the Jews,and that voting doesn't matter?

@37712 @DicusMaximus Not sure but he has the option to Jewish Batman away to the tunnels where reception is bad at any moment

@37712 @DicusMaximus He stated will be on the Wednesday show sooner or later but Halsey wants all the questions before the debate like Kamala and Joe get kinda the Zionist playbook

@Ghislaine The saying is if you are a McDonald's manager And the guy who makes the fries doesn't show up "You're on Fries",kinda like the show must go on,so If Trump is on the fries it is because Kamala didn't show up,she skipped the AI smith Zionist dinner and She claimed she worked at McDonald's

I would like to have a strawberry sundae and could you scratch the nuts on it

NGO's supported in Mynamar by Western groups support the rebels for Global Homo and Feminism

@Based_Accelerationist @shortstories @Zeb
The"Jew on a Stick" pagans always find an excuse or a convoluted story to muddy the waters. It just takes creativity to disprove Christians,as Crypto Jews do to discredit the Gospel,If one studies the Bible with enlightenment that those that say they are God's chosen but are not,and are of the Serpents Seed their father the Devil,then truth is revealed,instead of seething against stumbling blocks, seek wisdom,Why does the modern Jew Defy Christ gospel?


Population estimates are approximations. They are not assumed to have precision accuracy,just like election poles can't predict how many dead people will vote

@leespringfield1903 he didn't reject sending money to Israel he deflects the question to staggering government waste which he thinks he can change with a Trump presidency reality is they will make the decisions where to miss spend the money and it will still go to Israel

@marlathetourist @Stahesh Ivan is horse fucking your ole lady while you are at work

@Tfmonkey The BRICS MBRIDGE system,will be integratable with all monetary systems stable coins for commodities trades with nations the great reset

@VooDooMedic Why do some of the Abbos have like blonde well orangish hair?

Scubbie boosted

@Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist Aliens clearly built the pyramids. Unfortunately they left earth when they inbred Hebrews into existence.

@Based_Accelerationist I want to submit questions ahead of time for debate,like can Halsey prove his Jewish lineage is not inbreed?and has he been tested for inbreed retardation from the inbreeding?Can AMR verify if his mother was traded for camels as a bride?are Egyptians black?Does he believe Egyptians actually built the pyramids or they were the slave race that did the labor for the Aryans?

Scubbie boosted

@Tfmonkey@[email protected] The plan is to issue the carbon credit digital world wide currency for control and "The Crypto President" will sign the Treaty with BRICS to make it happen

@Tfmonkey@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist
Crypto Jew President even got given shoes to be taken away

@Based_Accelerationist They created the problem to need the solution,Their Moschia will be the Anti-Christ and the Mark of the Beast will be his control one monetary system Crypto currency "Redemption thru Sin",the Talmudists and their spread of wickedness upon the Earth will now rally the planet around "Save the Planet" after they defiled it

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