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@Hoss sluts are so proud of themselves while they're fairly young and still attractive because guys love an easy fuck, and she probably gets lots of attention and validation from men.

The nanosecond her looks fade, all the guys will disappear, and no man worth a shit will even entertain the fever dream of settling down with her.

A lot of these "girlboss" Onlyfans whores will probably kill themselves in about 10-15 years.

@ButtWorldsMan I could photoshop a little tuff of hair to cover that little guy up.

got this in my email. You can break your silver rounds into quarters to make change.

@mrhorsetwat San Francisco is like the opening level of Doom Eternal but with demons made of human shit.

This one might be my new favorite. The AI really captured lightning in a bottle.

@theFlow yes, soon I'll be gone forever and you'll have to fish on your own.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic @houseoftolstoy white guilt is just cultural Marxism. You don't need to justify the white races' accomplishments to these people. They are just using shame and guilt to manipulate you into surrendering to communism.

@37712 according to him, he never asked to be put on their website, they refused to remove him, and he had to sue them to make them remove him.

@houseoftolstoy @mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic who knew kickboxing who ran camwhore sites weren't the philosopher kings we were waiting for?

@rohrkrepierer They're censored. You don't see anything you wouldn't see with a bathing suit.

@cuddlebaboon The tyranny of the weak can only be accomplished with the permission of the strong.

@cuddlebaboon This is what "equality" to a Feminist actually looks like.

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