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I was taught I would be anything, so I become...

1. a cat
2. a bird
3. a basketball
4. 2 monkeys on each other's shoulders in a trench coat pickpocketing people

@37712 @Stahesh @Mr_Mister All memes must be written at a 3rd grade level with as few words as possible and at least one reference to nazism or cunny.

@ButtWorldsMan all the chairs have been set up for the party. Make yourselves at home. I think the chips went stale in 2019, but I can run to the store and get fresh ones.

@Tfmonkey You’ve talked about how leftists blame corporations for corrupting the government instead of the opposite, so I made a little visual. I call it the “Political Vending Machine Hypothesis”.

@Based_Accelerationist @37712 Yes, they are hoping that they join the military, but they were previously hoping that they would get jobs and be productive, and that didn't exactly work out.

Of the the few gaming/general silliness youtubers from 10 years ago that didn't go shitlib/leftist.

@Based_Accelerationist @37712 I found it uploaded on YouTube. It aired once on ABC, and was never aired again because it made the Clintons look bad for letting Osama Bin Laden get away (which is true).

It was never released on DVD or anything either.

@Based_Accelerationist @37712 Clayton from Redacted believed in aliens. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm a rational analyst. It's also easy to connect the dots in reverse by seeing how the government USED 9-11 to give themselves more power, and conclude that such was a plan, and not simply "not letting a good crisis go to waste".

If you want a more accurate story of what happened, there was a docudrama called "The Path of 911" which was scrubbed by the Clintons that I recommend.

@ButtWorldsMan I kind of like the one with the Dr Seuess hat. It has a certain je ne sais quoi

Part 3: ... and today's nightmare fuel. I have no idea what happened here. I can't even imagine.

Part 2: Body Paint Succubus (because I wanted clown face paint, and the AI interpreted that as body paint)

I tried to see if I could make a clown Celestina, but the results were disappointing. The AI seems to go from not clowny enough to full body paint succubus.

Part 1: The clown that didn't try hard enough

@BillingtonYVR @Koropokkur Is this how fall we've fallen? Is fucking a 54 year old grandma such an achievement that we're bragging about it on the internet?

How did we let things get this bad?

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