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@DoubleD @Stahesh @37712 I'm voting for Trump just to see what happens. I'm not going to throw my infinitesimal vote away on a joke.

To clear up any confusion for the morally bankrupt...

Who would the gay Roman Emperor Hadrian be rooting for right now?

Thanks for playing.

The cure to slave morality is to let go of blame and resentment and to take responsibility.

@DoubleD @37712 The German Christians who started the Social Gospel Movement used Old Testament names (the Amish do this as well), and retards think that makes them Jews.

I shit you not. I've had enough conversations with these retards to know that's what he's going to say.

@envelopeme if you need therapy and medication for basic life problems like losing your job, being broke, and moving, you're not going to make it unless you have a rocking set of tits so a man will take care of you and you can be his delicate little cock sleeve.

@Griffith "the worst that can happen is she says no"

*gets scalding hot water splashed in his face, and is beaten by the entire staff of Starbucks and arrested for flirt rape*

@37712 I've had really hard painful poops that were so big they had an elbow. I'm saying I would enjoy it, but it wouldn't be as bad as being maimed or dismembered.

@37712 he killed himself out of shame but he was otherwise physically fine.

I honestly don't know why people would rather have a broken jaw and brain damage than a dick in the butt. I assume it's a pride issue.

@Scubbie no, the sometimes makes me into a "twin" of Celestina with monkey elements, and that's what happened.

@37712 @BiggusDiccus @YoMomz The United States was founded by religious groups facing persecution and seeking freedom.

Again, give everyone enough rope to hang themselves. If they pull any shit, wipe them out . . . all of them. Order 66 style.

However, everyone deserves a chance to be free and to be punished for their own sins and not the sins of their ancestors.

@37712 @DoubleD Rome allowed them to have their own communities, and then wiped them out when they rebelled.

Meanwhile the Amish are great and cause no problems.

Just give groups enough rope to hang themselves. If they try any shit, kill and impale them all as a message to the others.

@37712 Singapore is a city-state. There isn't ROOM for everyone to have communities and mind their own business because they MUST live on top of each other.

There is enough room in the US (for example) for Indian reservations.

@37712 @DoubleD I have a simple compromise. If you want to form your own little community/micro nation, you can . . . but you don't get to vote or hold any government positions outside of local offices within your community.

Basically, like what we do with the Indian reservations or the Amish, neither of which assimilate, but it doesn't matter because they do their thing over there and nobody cares.

@YoMomz @37712 If to ban every person who belongs to a special interest group that would seek to subvert the population to vote for their interests, who would be left?

That's the problem, EVERYONE is corruptible. Power corrupts, and a corrupt government is always a problem even if you eliminate the Jews as Rome proves.

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