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@shortstories abandonware isn't legal but it's not enforced which means the same thing.

@Stahesh they're blaming "not government" because their solution is more government.

Also loans don't cause inflation. They move spending forward but once the loan is paid off no increase in the money supply occurred. The idea that banks create inflation is absurd.

Note how fractional reserve banking has been around for 100 years and we only have inflation when the government prints monet.

Hmm, it's a mystery what causes inflation. Must be "corporations".

@WashedOutGundamPilot It's because they lost their identity. They built their lives around being a husband and father, and they had those stolen from them. Also, since he'll be broke paying alimony and child support, he is unlikely to get a second chance.

Many guys don't know what to do with themselves after that. They were told being a husband/father was the end all be all of life, and it's gone now.

Many would commit suicide but they want to "be there" for the kids that were stolen from them

@viatorem Before you pray for the storm, make sure your roof doesn't have any leaks.

@Hasan1994 the replaced the pink pussy hat with a Tim Pool beanie?

@anonaccount Boys star puberty at 13 and girls start puberty at 11. It has always been this way.

They're sampling more girls, period, probably out of some misplaced sense of equality and representation, or perhaps ignorance that boys and girls mature at different ages out of previously mentioned sense of equality.

@basedbagel they're from a generation that could hit technology to make it work.

@kaiservenom look into Steelcase office chairs. I used a Herman Miller and switched to steelcase.

@Indignation Accept that there are going to be countries that will play both sides until there is a clear winner.

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