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@Engineer and when these people are broke and poor, they'll blame Capitalism.

@ButtWorldsMan math is "white magic" that allowed white people to overthrow the Kangs and rewrite history, leaving blacks in Africa to eat dirt cookies and shake their rattles to cure diseases.

Legends say you can learn this magic in a place called "School".

@ButtWorldsMan Using Destiny-debating tactics to argue against basic math.

@Jm That actually looks pretty good. what is the stuffing made of? I use a shredding memory foam body pillow because pillow stuffing doesn't provide enough firmness to approximate a person's body.

@Stahesh @PapaPole I tried fasting. I would lose a few pounds, but then my energy levels would crash, and I would need to reset my metabolism and it would cause me to regain whatever few pounds I lost.

Keto is the only thing that's ever worked for me because I can eat when I need to eat.

@cowanon "their countries" being the operative word.

People won't take responsibility for something they have no authority over.

Let the lesbians and trannies fight Russia and China. You got this girl. Slay queen!

@PapaPole I only took it for a month and dropped it. It doesn't work for me. My problem isn't lack of willpower, but my metabolism.

I was hoping that the drug making me feel full would mean I could cut calrories without losing energy, but it didn't work.

All Ozempic does is make you feel full, and only works with those with no willpower who can't stop eating.

If you're doing keto, here are my top recommended snacks. Fit Crunch tastes like a candy bar. The Genius Gourmet bars taste like dehydrated ice cream, and the Keto ice cream bars are better than the "Carb Smart" bars that I've tried from other stores.

I found all of these at Costco. I've tried other brands, but these are the one I like the best.

@sjw be careful with eskimo chicks. One time I paid an eskimo escort to give me a blow job and she just rubbed her nose on my penis and stole my money.

@marlathetourist we make fun of people who bought beanie babies thinking that they would be worth something, but we're on a 3rd Bitcoin bubble in less than 10 years.

@Mordikia well shit, good catch. Why would people go on the internet and tell lies?

@Deuces @RedpillBot I don't know. I have made too many videos over the years.

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