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@Scubbie try "turd10". It's an older coupon code, which may not work.

@sardonicsmile @Zeb @CheshireHuman women won't have their rights taken away. Everyone will lose their rights together, and the best we can hope for is that the culling rids us of the cucks and simps and women aren't given their rights back when the strong begin rebuilding.

"Late stage capitalism" = the government is hopelessly corrupt and the only solution is more government.

If corporations controlled the government, the richest man on Earth (Elon Musk) would have forced the government to embrace free speech instead of having to travel to Israel and watch propaganda films to get his advertisers back when the Jews took his shoes away.

What do you call it when we give Israel billions in foreign aid that they use to bribe our politicians? Capitalism?

@shortstories it's not culture, it's opportunity. Women have been proven to have fewer children the richer and more richer and educated they are regardless of culture.

Look at Iran, which is a theocracy with morality police, but the women work and earn their own money so their birthrate is shit even with a strict abortion ban.

Meanwhile orthodox jews and the Amish have 7-10 kids per family.

This isn't rocket science. It's just that women's rights are too sacred to question.

@Hasan1994 my favorite is how they gave up completely on trying to use there/they're/their correctly and replace everything with "they".

@basedbagel it doesn't matter if it makes sense or is fair. Women vote so it's clown world. What are you going to do about it?

Q: What do you call a woman's vagina after she's had an abortion?


The older the source you get the more reliable it is.
Hence why gabbers are fags as they represent the United States of Amnesia

@Indignation the Russians obviously since their state media is reporting on it.

@threat silicone dolls don't get sticky due the material differences between silicone and TPE, so you can take these to bed and cuddle with them like a body pillow.

@Engineer I was in a men's room once where all the urinals were being used and there were lines for everything, so I just peed into the drain in the middle of the floor and washed my hands.

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