The TFM Show: July 6th, 2024
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@Ness2000 @charliebrownau the male boomers are largely dead. The female boomers don't care about society. They only care about their welfare and what benefits them personally.
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@Mongoliaboo it's because women and minorities (not just Jews, but all minorities) are in an inferior (weak) position within the West.
The strong do for themselves, but the weak need to be crafty to get what they want.
This is why all minorities (including women, gays, etc.) employ similar tactics. If they had the numbers and strength to simply do for themselves, they wouldn't be Leftists in the first place.
@shortstories women can read books on their own I suppose, but the data is absolutely clear that empowered women collapse birthrates.
I don't get why you're fighting for women to be educated, but not employed. That's like saying that you don't want to cure the cancer, just lower it from stage 4 to stage 2.
Just cut the cancer out altogether. Women are going to bitch no matter what you do, so just rip the band aid off.
@shortstories Last year, in 2023, Sweden did a study and found that when men win the lottery, they get married and have families, whereas when women win the lottery they divorce their husbands and break up their families to keep the money for themselves.
The problem isn't and never has been "feminist brainwashing". Women are just selfish children, and when you empower them you get societal collapse.
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@shortstories You could say that, and you would be wrong.
Iran has a dogshit birthrate even though they're a theocracy that arrests feminists because they let them go to college and have careers.
Here is a peer reviewed study from Finland which shows that as women become wealthier and more educated, they want fewer children, but the same does not occur when men become wealthier and more educated:
I have another source I'll link to below
I was listening to an Academic Agent stream about why the UK Reform party failed and he blames "the Eternal Boomer" who has a NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude, but otherwise doesn't care about what happens to society.
The Boomers are overwhelmingly women at this point (male life expectancy being what it is).
The "eternal boomer" is just an old women who wants to be taken care of and is morally retarded. Women have NEVER given a shit about abstractions like "order".
@shortstories The answer is B, and it's not even close.
Here is an article from 2015 which I covered back in the day which showed 270 women giving their reasons why they aren't having children. They fit into 5 and only 5 reasons:
1. I want to prioritize my career
2. I don't like children
3. I have a bad relationship with my parents
4. I don't want the financial responsibility
5. I like my life as it is.
Note there is no mention of men, patriarchy, or feminism.
I have more sources as well.
@deesenaughts IF the problem were stupidity, we could solve it with information.
the problem isn't stupidity, it's weakness. The only cure for weakness is pain and suffering.
@Twisted666 there is a place where you get free food, housing, healthcare, and all the sex you can handle.
it's called prison.
@Twisted666 because we live in a world of scarce resources and competition.
In the absence of ideologies, nature would fill the void which would only benefit the strong and the fit at the expense of the weak and the unfit.
The vast majority of the weak and the unfit are ideologues.
You now understand why we have these ideologies.
@Nazareno Russia and the US could just attack each other, but that would lead to nukes. This is why Russia and the US are using proxies.
the US is using Ukraine as a proxy against Russia.
Russia is using Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis, etc. as their proxy against the US/Israel.
The whole point is to defeat the enemy military without triggering a nuclear response, and if you DO trigger a nuclear response, they only destroy your proxy instead of you.
@Nazareno No, because Russia is arming Hezbollah and the Houthis with advanced missiles as a "tit for tat" for the US giving Ukraine advanced missiles.
The US couldn't even defeat the Houthis, and Israel lost to Hezbollah in 2006 when they had 1/6th the missiles they have now.
The US is rumored to be sending 100 ships to back up Israel and intimidate the region as Israel invades Lebanon, but a lot has change in the last 6 months. Hezbollah et all have the capacity to strike warships now.
@special-boy sure, that's why things like elementary school, middle school, and high school used to mean something.
Elementary school was for basic shit so you could function in society.
Most people didn't go to school if they worked in blue-collar industries. They got jobs right out of Middle School.
College was only for doctors and lawyers.
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