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@ButtWorldsMan I saw Harmful Opinions take on this video and the guy is clearly gay. He wants to fuck his girlfriend's cum-filled pussy right after another guy cums in it so he can get his cum all over him.

That's as bad as voodoo fucking a chick's blown out pussy with his mate at the same time and their ducks rubbing together as they both fuck her at once.

@Stahesh @reshiram the Mormons used to be pretty patriarchal with a fertility rate of about 4%, but about 10 years ago they embraced feminism and their birthrate was cut in half in just a couple of years. Now they're embracing gay rights.

It's sad. Mormons used to be cool.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic I always heard that song as "My name is Paco, I work at Del Taco, and I make $5 a day..."

@Shadowman311 The only choice they want you to have the freedom to choose is the one that destroys freedom/capitalism/white people/the West/civilization/religion/straight people/heterosexuality/being attracted to adults.

@Tfmonkey Since you love making flowcharts here’s one about outrage porn and how no one does anything.

social media rape accusation flow chart that I made a while ago. Someone was requesting it.

@37712 @amr We just use the out-of-the-box defaults. I think other instances have special stuff that someone who knows what they're doing would have to implement.

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