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@GrungeQueef when you're dealing with childhood misbehavior, the answer is almost never to give them drugs or to adjust their hormones.

People don't just stop being selfish spoiled assholes just because their hormones are balanced.

The answer is right there at the end of your wrist.

They're not victims of mind-control. They're weak conformists who chose to outsource their beliefs and shut off their critical thinking in return for acceptance.

They do not want to be free from the system. They want a bigger system that can do even more of their thinking for them.

They are slaves. If you free them, they will find or create a new master. If you're not careful, they'll drag you down to slavery with them.

Luckily, they are weak and rely on pity/mercy to win. Show them none.

@Scubbie her eyes are the wrong color. Celestina's eyes are a light copper brown.

Update: the anime is called "Shining Hearts" and the character looks different in the show, dressed like a pirate. The version I thought looked like Celestina was a "professor variant" which was made as a figurine but has nothing to do with the show or game. Disappointing.

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@ButtWorldsMan I can't help it. Women love it when I grab their ass with my feet.

I found another anime doppelganger for Celestina other than Yu Mei Ren from FGO: Sakuya Kaguya from an anime called Shining Blade. I know nothing about it, but now I can collect more waifu merchandise.

@reshiram I didn't click on the study, but I believe you. I'll note if I get any bad sushi indigestion farts.

@sardonicsmile no, that's not true. Money markets offered through banks and credit unions are FDIC insured. Maybe there are higher yielding money market products offered by brokerages that aren't, but perhaps don't use those.

@basedbagel debit cards have all the same identity theft and fraud protections as a credit card, but it's good that you were mindful of your balance and caught the fraud.

@basedbagel if your girlfriend or (God help you) your wife floats the idea of an open relationship, she's admitting to you that she's already been cheating on you, and she's simply tired of being sneaky about it.

@RodrickSage a society centered around women will adopt the female mentality to blame everything on men.

If women have become undesirable, it must be because something is wrong with men. It couldn't be anything women are doing, it can only ever be men's fault.

@VooDooMedic @ButtWorldsMan @37712 Voodoo, will you agree that being turned on by fucking a pussy that's been freshly filled by another man's cum is gay?

I bought some Omega-3 fish oil capsules from Sam's Club and on the bottle it said it contained mint oil, and wasn't sure why. I thought maybe the mint oil added more nutrients or something. However, when I burped, it tasted like mint instead of fish, and I had an "Aha" moment.

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