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@obihahn I've been using the same cracked copy of Microsoft Office since 2010.

@qurlyjoe "why should I raise wages and benefits?" is just "why should I lose weight?" but for employers.

@Kerosene Remove the burned layer and call it a "deconstructed" version of the dish.

@Virtuality this is what happens when you wife up a whore who claims she's ready to settle down.

@YoMomz @37712 then they vote for their own deaths. That is the point. People are stupid but as long as they personally pay the price for their stupidity, they will quickly correct themselves.

A counter arguement could be made that veterans who are medically discharged after a war injury should lose their vote since they won't have to serve in future wars, but I reconsidered that in lieu of their sacrifice.

@Scubbie @37712 The Republic has already fallen, you just don't see it.

@37712 the veterans can only vote for the President unless they're also net taxpayers as well.

@ButtWorldsMan I don't do it intentionally. I just keep my prompts vague and see what the AI gives me. My only criteria is that it's off the shoulder and white.

Here is Celestina and I's romance novel cover where I have Fabio hair for some reason.

TFW your waifu gives you that industrial strength terminator waifu hug.

@37712 yes, mandatory voting is the best defense against voter fraud because if anyone tries to vote on behalf of someone, they'll be caught.

@Timothy2k Jung is similar to Alan Watts in that he's a Western educated person effectively translating eastern thought into a language westerners can more easily understand. However, you'll likely find that you'll outgrow Alan Watts and Jung as you no longer need the "training wheels" of western localization.

@VooDooMedic Yes I mind. I'm not mailing a pack of soda to Australia for $200.

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