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@VooDooMedic they have a new mountain dew flavor named VooDoo. It's a mystery flavor.

Spoiler Alert: It's raspberry cherry flavored, at least that's how it tastes to me.

@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic Calling the mayor a "fucking kike" who sucks baby dicks is one thing, but let me know when they stop worshipping the police and military. THAT is when I'll know shit is getting real.

@ButtWorldsMan @DoubleD maybe I should go over my net taxpayer system for repackaging tonight.

@Tamamo @hellhammer666 @rainignterror1080p there isn't anything new. It's not like human nature has changed over the centuries. My philosophy is just repackaged philosophy just like most self help books and gurus are.

It's all the same lessons repackaged over and over again to appear fresh and new.

@tournel @shortstories it doesn't matter if you're not white. They will call anyone a nazi if you aren't a communist like them.

If you're not a communist, you're a not-C.

@VooDooMedic @dander if there was actual Greta nudes on the internet, the media would let us know.

@shortstories poast is a better instance for talking about jews constantly. You can follow me here from your poast account, but you'll be among more like minded people who are interested in engaging with you.

@shortstories the Bible isn't a historical document. Nobody here cares about Christianity versus Jews. Maybe join poast instead of merovingian club.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712 Sure, some farmed, but the murdering slaving tribes were more numerous and prosperous than the farming tribes.

I understand you're trying to be generous and give Africa the benefit of the doubt, but it's hard to build a prosperous civilization when half your population is murdering people and selling people into slavery.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712 They didn't "know how to survive in the wilderness without welfare". They constantly raided, murdered, and sold each other into slavery, and their population had a low ceiling as a result until the west started showing them with food aid (i.e. welfare) causing their population to explode.

Also, have you seen Haiti where they eat literal "dirt cookies"?

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