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@marlathetourist @ButtWorldsMan I assume almost all of them do. Israeli citizenship is free simply for being Jewish, so if you're Jewish, why not get a second passport/citizenship "just in case"?

@ButtWorldsMan if Israel wins they will send all the Arabs to the west and call us racist while they themselves murder them indiscriminately. However, if Israel loses (and Iran/Hezbollah find their dick) then Jews will flee to the West for safety and deport all the Muslims.

@c the reason is that it's been accepted that the country and the ruling class are one in the same. Anything that threatens the ruling class's power is a threat to the entire country. Anything that benefits the ruling class exclusively is in the best interests of the country.

Thus the average person, scared and dependent, fights against his own interests and for the interests of his rulers.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic we need to prepare individually rather than wait for someone to save us. A lot of people want an excuse to give up and do nothing out of despair.

@Based_Accelerationist I'm also considering joining a monastery. It would be a simple life.

@Based_Accelerationist Oh well, back to my plan of building a homestead in the woods and hoping for the best.

Version 2.0 with eye color correction and additional labels added. I think this will be the final version, but feel free to add your own.

@Brianhere @PapaPole The Orthodox Jews are cool. They just want to be left alone and live in their little communities. They aren't bothering anyone.

@ButtWorldsMan She looks like a non Jewish Garudo from Legend of Zelda.

here is the original one. I color corrected the merchant face and added more topical terms.

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