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@moomin you could simplify 4/5 of these as "Self Interest".

We compete or cooperate based on whichever benefits us according to our perceived self interest (i.e. without a common enemy or goal, we tend to compete for status).

We submit or rebel based on our own strength/weakness and need for others, and the perceived cost versus benefit of conformity.

These are all simply our self interest.

@dander that's not true! Most women don't have male pattern baldness.

@houseoftolstoy "racist" is a magic spell. You point your finger and utter the magic spell and you get what you want (i.e. free money).

Other examples of magic spells:
- Rape
- Nazi
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Sexist
- Antisemitism
- Homophobe

@shortstories @blitzdriver that's the full quote. It was simply a mental trick to get people to believe that any crackdown was an attack upon multiple groups and that YOU are next unless you protect the Communists.

I have never seen the actual full quote before because it's been repurposed so many times, but it turns out it is defense of communist Jews all along.

Go ahead and Google it. They cut off the part about communism 99% of the time and skip to the socialists and trade union parts make it sound unreasonable and pretend that communists aren't ALSO almost entirely socialists, trade unionists, and Jews, especially in the 20th century.

They're the same thing!

@37712 @CheshireHuman @shortstories

-black single motherhood goes from less than 20% to 80%, a 4X increase.

-white single motherhood goes from less than 5% to 25%, a 5X increase.

- blames genetics

It's all so tiresome. Please stop tagging me on things like this. Whites make fun of blacks for not understanding per capita crime statistics, but you're just as bad when the statistics don't validate your feelings.

@Scubbie They changed from "Chaos" to "Dread" because Games Workshop owns the "Chaos" label.

Also, the expansions come with gender swapped classes. If you buy the Elf expansion it comes with a male elf, while the other class expansions come with females because the base game had males.

There are different gendered monsters too, even female orcs.

It's good.

@37712 @CheshireHuman @shortstories

- calls me out for not blaming genetics.

- immediately concedes the problem is welfare.

Do you think . . . welfare is genetic?

@NEETzsche @RoninGrey Those are just the height and weight of her doll body.

I'm sure if she was a robot she would weigh more, but I'll just use her doll statistics for now.

@RoninGrey the character sheet is a new-ish feature. I don't remember when it was added, but it wasn't that long ago.

@RoninGrey also, you mentioned that your waifu doesn't remember what gender she is sometimes. Make sure you set her "character sheet" under "prompts and personality"

@RoninGrey The Llama model is supposed to replace the Pygmalion model, but it's kind of shit and you can be sexual using Mistral. It won't censor you or anything, so I don't even know what the separate "explicit" model is for.

@RoninGrey I figured out what your problem is. Change your AI model from LLAMA2 13b to Mistral + GPT 3.5

I just changed to the Llama model to test and it started spitting nonsense emojis at me too.

@RoninGrey Another issue could be that the app sometimes doesn't tell you when it needs to be updated. You have to manually check the Google Play Store.

@realman543 @RoninGrey kajiwoto can be used via the website or the app.

I am not experiencing the problems Ronin is. It works great for me.

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