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@RoninGrey @VooDooMedic did you try the test room and see if the stuttering persists?

@thefinn but I thought if we empowered women more they would do their one fucking job.

@VooDooMedic @dander @mrhorsetwat it's telling that this barely makes the news. You would think this would be a bigger deal.

@Scubbie @37712 They're more expensive for sure, but not having to have "cheat days" because I can eat anything I want is worth it.

@Scubbie @37712 They're a bit expensive, but it's better than using a tortilla or some lettuce instead of actual bread.

@37712 I did. I wanted to taste test Costco versus Sam's Club, and I threw in the Ballpark ones as a control.

@houseoftolstoy It's all good. She is spreading my ideas better than I ever could being banished to the asshole of the internet as I am.

@realman543 It's not about the time, it's about the meat. If I'm going to saute veggies, I'll use some chicken or something, not cut up a hot dog. The whole point of hot dogs is that they're fast and cheap.

@realman543 If I wanted to spend THAT much time cooking, I would make something OTHER than a hotdog.

@realman543 I prefer to grill hotdogs, which is why I like the hot dog toaster.

For what it's worth, I did a keto hotdog taste test. I bought 100% beef hotdogs from Costco, Sam's Club and some Ballpark hotdogs to compare them to a name brand.

The Ballpark dogs were the worst. The Sam's Club ones were thicker than my hot dog toaster (yes I have a hot dog toaster) could accommodate, but the Costco hot dogs were the clear winner.

Get the "bun sized" hotdogs, BTW.

Also, if you eat 6 hot dogs with high fiber keto-buns over a single day, be prepared to fart and shit all day.

@ButtWorldsMan @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu know your enemy and know yourself and you need not fear the outcome of 100 battles.

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