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@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat watching halsey defend israel bombing gaza made me remember that same scene

@Pain66 hellow fellow Japanese, why Yes the nation of japan should import african and muslim men of fighting age specially palestinias.

Why yes I am a jewish Japanese, why do you ask

You are an anti-zemite, nazy

@UncleIroh - I believe that just such a world is on its way. 🍻 ...just as soon as living standards shit the bed, and life gets hard.

I'm actually kinda looking forward to it. 🫡

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey I already told you I'm sorry I went in raw before, uncle.


Racism as a concept needs to be utterly binned, buried and burned.

Same for Equality. Same for Chivlary. Same for Anti-Semitism.

A world where these concepts were reviled, denounced, ridiculed and illegal would be a world I want to live in.


Racism as a concept needs to be utterly binned, buried and burned.

Same for Equality. Same for Chivlary. Same for Anti-Semitism.

A world where these concepts were reviled, denounced, ridiculed and illegal would be a world I want to live in.

@amerika @shortstories

Malaysia: a bumipetra doctrine that explicitly excludes non-natives from all levers of power.

Singapore: sedition laws that harshly punish cultural, poltiical, religious activism, including death and expulsion.

Ancient Rome: slaves/immigrants have to spend at least 1 generation assilimating working to prove their loyalty to Rome and it's ethics before becoming citizens.

Historically we have all the answers. Let's just fucking do it.

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@amerika @shortstories

so emigration OK, immigration not OK. that math doesn't work. you get population decline.

far better to allow selective immigration, no dual citizenship, limits on non-native power AND capital-punshiment penalties for sedition.

A policy-mixture of Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and Ancient Rome.

Japan: strong cultural xenophonbia, i.e. you MUST be culturally Japanese to partiticpate or else you are shunned.

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