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@beautiful_bastard But the movies and television taught me to forgive and forget. And nonviolence ALWAYS!!!

@Hoss @BigTLarrity You wear a mask because you're afraid of biohazards.
I wear a mask because I'm afraid of ziohazards.
We are not the same.

"Pop this Housing Market, or I'll Pop it for you."
~ Uncle Jerome Powell

"If 8% mortgages won't do it, we can try 10%"

@UncleIroh @beautiful_bastard Noticed that romanians/moldovans are on their shit lists too, considering that the pogroms from 1903 started in Chisinau and Romania went neck deep with Hitler. Also a jew was responsible for the $1bil, around 20% of our GDP at the time and he fled to Israel. No wonder Moldova is a flaming pile of shit. Victoria Nuland's grandfather survived the pogrom and she hates us for that. Thats why she was in charge of overthrowing governments in Eastern Europe.

God's Chosen Podcasters have been all over the internet panicking to herd the goyim back into line with their "nuanced take" jibber jabber:

Ben Shapiro
Lex Fridman
Dave Rubin
Michael Malice
Dave Smith
Chris Williamson
Sam Harris
Kisin Konstantin
Gad Saad
Curtis Yarvin
Alex Stein
Eric Weinstein
Bret Weinstein
Glenn Greenwald

@Tfmonkey Either die from VAIDS or for Israel. Damn zoomers got it rough fr fr

@mrhorsetwat good. Get banned, faggot. Tik tok is a cancer platform and you need to be ejected forcefully, like food being slapped out of your obese hands.

And just like Feminism, Zionism must create conflict to keep going

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@kaiservenom I watched this whole thing and Vaush is the biggest dipshit commie debater ever. If you can stomach just listen to Vaush’s debate tactics.

@UncleIroh Ive said it before and I'll say it again Australia is the testing ground for global homo i.e the Jews don't been pushing multiculturalism and equality since Australia's inception no doubt they were here before World war 1 and World war II

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A club for red-pilled exiles.