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lol the juice are about to find out that to niggers they aren't just whites, they're super whites

@UncleIroh Wasn't great, but I managed to sell most of mine and get gas and broads at similarly lowish prices. Not nearly as much 'upside', but enough that if anything happens with that cash on the side that I'll break a good bit over even.

Proof log₁₀(0) = 2:

0² = 100×0
log₁₀(0²) = log₁₀(100×0)
2×log₁₀(0) = log₁₀(100) + log₁₀(0)
log₁₀(0) = log₁₀(100)
log₁₀(0) = 2


@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Lorgar @theFlow @Tfmonkey @Stahesh

TBH destiny is a millionaire so 100k sholud be cheap to just get her out of his hair.

But I don't have any peer-reviewed studies so I'm not sure

MMM's trying to trade their way out of 90% Natural Gas positions 🤣 🤣

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.