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Practicing Judaism is an act of genocide

Tolerating the Jewish religion is tolerating genocide

@philosophy For me Christianity comes downstream of a western population center. Biggest thing is actually granting men authority over their families as God intended. As a Christian it can be done, but the moon logic always seems to be:

1. Implement Christianity..
2. Ban Things...
3. Suddenly a Christian Nation(???)

Many forget the step of actually rearing women, men planting themselves as the pillar leader of the social base unit in the family. That is always forgotten imo.

Western sculptors walked so that jap hentai artists could run.

@kirby @shortstories @charliebrownau @UncleIroh Yeah pidgin is great. I used to use it for literally everything but nowadays because I basically only use irc, xmpp and matrix, and it can't really handle matrix, it's just irc and xmpp.
Which is fine, it's still the best IM program I've ever used.

Christmas card for you guys.
Merry Christmas! Blessings, health, and success to you.

The Grey Family

@UncleIroh Awesome, starting to listen to this now. It's been awesome hearing Andrew Wilson tear through debates, even though I think he has a few blind spots.

Merry Christmas, you filthy animal. And a happy New Year.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.