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@shortstories @gvs

here's my 0.2C:

i'm pretty sure IRC isn't even a thing anymore. closest thing to that is hexchat.

agree about telegram, haven't heard of delta chat. i do have an XMMP account somewhere but not used in years, no-one uses XMMP except feds.

matrix has usability issues sure, but please explain your concerns about it. other viable options:

* sessions
* simpleX
* nostr
* molly

I tried simpleX & like it - easy & disposable, good mobile/desktop integration.

>Mfw the Bad fedipost account posts another banger instead of an actual Bad post

Do your fucking job right retard :sip_cat:

MGTOW vs Christian Nationalism

So TFM had a couple of superchats about Andrew Wilson, host of the debate channel "The Crucible".

Here's a recent panel hosted by Pearl that has been long overdue: Aaron Clarey (mgtow), Paul Elam (MRA/mgtow), Andrew Wilson (orthodox), Timothy Gordon (catholic).

This was awesome.

shows a man presenting a slideshow on the “VMAT2”, or “God gene” and a vaccine called “FunVac” or “FunVax” to eliminate it. The discussion with the attendees includes the argument that religious fundamentalists would pose less of threat if they receive this vaccine. The presenter claims the proposal for this plan has “just been submitted”

"the video does not show Bill Gates."

They are claiming it is a hoax that the presenter is Gates

But they are not denying it

I like the aesthetics of yoga pants but I hate the affect that it has on my because I can not do anything about it in public.

Let's check in on El Salvador.

Hmmm, I don't see any dancing degenerates. He's not promoting marxism or globohomo faggotry. He seems to be in favor of his own nation, which we know is heresy, and he's not telling people to kill themselves to cut down on climate pollution. Uhmazin.

I rate it far-right fascist nazi/10. Not enough Democracy™.

@Tfmonkey Get Celestina to sing this song. It fits your Mexican mowing problem.

@basedbagel The reason I don't normally make fun of dumb people is because they never get the joke

@UncleIroh @Zeb It gets worse. In 2008 she married a russian citizen to try and go back and was still rejected. Now she has a kid with one of the most corrupt politicians we have: Platon.

Myers-Briggs? Oh you mean business school horoscopes

@Zeb The journalist that started the twitter revolution in in April 2009 was denied entry in Russia in 2007 because she was a national security risk after a trip to Israel. What a fucking surprise. :israel:

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.