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"Ruh roh Raggy, looks like the band is getting back together"

@givenup @TeaTootler a hostile foreign elite is not my rulers but my would-be exterminators.

they serve Satan and therefore it is serving Our Heavenly Father to disobey, yea, even to fight them.

He makes a great point in this video that the Police are the ONLY people left in society with the power to phsyically touch women.

And when it happens, women completely lose their shit. Watching this is literally watching someone's worldview just crumble around them.

@BowsacNoodle @shortstories @houseoftolstoy You are correct. They are the Miaphysite Churches which use the Christology of Cyril of Alexandria. The Nestorian and Monophysite heresies constantly rear their heads at a low level because of the linguistic structure but their Churches repeatedly reiterate Myaphysitism caged in a way which is basically indistinguishable from Dyophysitism

After reading Casey's posts on X I thought he would have more substantive arguments. He didn't, and basically conceded every point being made by Andrew.

Ultimately glad this debate happened.

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Live right now, Debate: Redpill vs Christ Pill - Casey Jones vs Andrew Wilson

Alright that’s absolutely crazy. What a fantastic effort! I hope the community contributes to this project; it is a massive step forward in the general QoL whilst using Monero

Reddit fags just can't solve the mystery of why boys and young men are turning conservative while the girls are turning into whores.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey If nothing happens to those FBI agents, this was bait to flush out whoever else would side with them. That is my best guess.

@DoubleD hijab hoes are gonna hoe. They just need the right discipline from the patriarchy

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.