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@shortstories @Tfmonkey @VeganMGTOW @BowsacNoodle >Blockchain money, paper money & electronic money are not valuable
Valuable for their usefulness.
>The only value in paper & electronic money is paying taxes
That's just retarded. Fiat usefullness is in abstracting cost from barter. How the fuck are you going to implement factories that need thousands of different material inputs?
>Without taxes paper & electronic money has no use
Abstracted value transfer. Also enables accumulation of wealth for large projects.
even if you have a wife she will try to use cooking to make you fat so you can't cheat

better to know how to cook yourself
@shortstories @Tfmonkey @VeganMGTOW It's only a ponzi scheme until it's mass adopted. At that point it's just a currency alternative. The success of failure of blockchain tech depends on getting more users, BUT it doesn't require infinite growth in users, which makes it not a ponzi scheme.

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

Estrogen strengthens bones and is sometimes a good thing

Drinking enough whole milk to get Calcium RDA would exceed Saturated Fat Upper Limit

Soy Milk usually has the majority of it's Calcium from artificially added Calcium not from Soy

Soy can legally be sold genetically engineered unless labeled to indicate otherwise

It is difficult to get enough Calcium from plant sources to achieve RDA without Calcium supplements because most people would vomit or get to full

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh

Take the listed RDA from government sources

Choose your "best" plant source

Calcium RDA in milligrams / ( milligrams of calcium per volume of plant source )

You can eat the largest size bag of raw uncooked leafy green plant and still get under the RDA if you eat the whole bag

Most people can not eat the whole bag in a single meal or perhaps even a single day

You would have to eat multiple things of frozen concentrated spinach that would make most people sick

Introducing X-Mensch.

We're talking peak kosher superhero here. Has a side hustle in digging tunnels.

Useful links to open source versions and frontends of social media platforms.

Links appear to regularly maintained too.

@RealBot @mister_monster How about the “service” of being a trustless censorship-resistant privacy-respecting currency?

That seems like a usecase in itself that doesn’t require anything more.

@UncleIroh @ugly_bastard_reborned @shortstories

Linux is as hard as your use case calls for.

If your computing use doesn't fly higher than using Steam and a web browser, Linux is ez and better than Windows.

Also don't send newbies into the distro rabbit hole: Ubuntu or Linux Mint for beginners and that's it.

Agenda 2030

It's always worth posting this 2016 WEF classic every now and then.

It reminds us all what they're doing and allows us to measure how well their plans are going

Another example.

* Govt creates problem: create bio weapons & viruses, start pandemics

* Govt reaction: "we need to restrict travel & public assembly, create new vaccines & re-introduce lockdowns"

* Prepared solution: Digital ID to track and trace. Control access to bank accounts, jobs & freedom via coercion: you must take the vaxx & get the Digital ID. Then force CDBC on captured populations.

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Another example.

* Govt creates problem: turn the internet into a chaotic mindfuck using AI. Flood with bot accounts & content, spun narratives, deploy cyber attacks, create crypto scams

* Govt reaction: "we need internet on-ramp security to protect banks, infrastructure and the public against cyber attacks, financial scams & misinformation"

* Prepared solution: Digital ID to prove online identity. CDBC to prevent financial fraud

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What are Hegelian dialectics? Problem, reaction, solution

What is Praxis?
The act of transforming reality through dialectics

What it looks like in action:

* Govt creates problem: open the borders to unknown numbers of illegal immigrants

* Govt reaction: "we have to print money to handle the millions of illegals. also we can't identify who they are"

* Prepared solution: Introduce Digital ID to track illegals. Introduce CDBC to solve inflationary effects.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.