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Oy Vey! The "Tunnelling Jews" jokes were so funny they literally brought the house down:

That Jew coming out of the tunnel will never not be funny.

It's like when the bad guy switches sides and joins forces with the good guys.

"No way to prevent this" says users of the only programming language where this regularly happens

@UncleIroh @basedbagel

To get back to a healthy society, compassion will be needed. We are not there yet.

But this group of men see the limits of women. That they aren't competent to lead themselves. So maturity is happening. At least in this group.

"Ruh roh Raggy, looks like the band is getting back together"

@givenup @TeaTootler a hostile foreign elite is not my rulers but my would-be exterminators.

they serve Satan and therefore it is serving Our Heavenly Father to disobey, yea, even to fight them.

He makes a great point in this video that the Police are the ONLY people left in society with the power to phsyically touch women.

And when it happens, women completely lose their shit. Watching this is literally watching someone's worldview just crumble around them.

@BowsacNoodle @shortstories @houseoftolstoy You are correct. They are the Miaphysite Churches which use the Christology of Cyril of Alexandria. The Nestorian and Monophysite heresies constantly rear their heads at a low level because of the linguistic structure but their Churches repeatedly reiterate Myaphysitism caged in a way which is basically indistinguishable from Dyophysitism

After reading Casey's posts on X I thought he would have more substantive arguments. He didn't, and basically conceded every point being made by Andrew.

Ultimately glad this debate happened.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.