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@UncleIroh " crazy assholes getting Noah's Ark read"

Damn right ALL ABOARD baybee!

Seems legit, I ordered a 5$ card and I got it without problem

I haven’t tested it yet but the website that provides the card seems legit (

Thanks to everyone who took the MGTOW poll:


Result: blue pill normie land reigns supreme and we're the crazy assholes getting Noah's Ark ready.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

"Chrisitian deontological ethics"

NGL had to google that but I agree with you.

But in this specific case if I find proof a baby is dead by someone's hands they better have a DAMN good explanation or

Seems the Japs are now allowing openly naked full genetic modification. This 'SA' style model will give full repeoductive coding to cells. So the immediate side effects are lesser, but the cells themselves spread reproductive code to rewrite more cells so that they produce spike proteins more quickly from the entire immune system.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

"you have no moral basis to refute "love is love" pedohilia"

This is why I can't get behing subjective morality.

But for some reason only religious people see my view on this. I wonder why that is?

I don't have any peer-reviewed studies to debunk pedophilia but i do have a hockey masks and a special set of skills.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

You're right but its a heavy subject matter even for me.

I'd love to adress the trampant witchraft but again in a Godless country such as this they're not satanic, you're just not tolerant enough and still believe in fairy tales

hoe_math is a great YT channel, but this is above and beyond. He mathematically proves, using game theory, that monogamy, patriarchy, or some other form of punishing disloyal sexual behavior is the only way to solve the mess in the dating market:


More fan fiction, not less!!

"A heartwarming tale of love and redemption for our times" - Richard Spencer

"Anne Frank's wild sexual liberation arc is thrilling! Like my sister's." - Ben Shapiro

Guide to pissing off trannies without triggering the HR alarm.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.