@Stahesh Is simple logic Vegan diet Is the only diet free of estrogens and antibiotics.
The first cause hormonal problems the second kills your guts flora making difficult to absord nutrients both things are the root cause of all diseases
@Stahesh We do have long term studies of the Vegan diet tho.
@Stahesh My Veganism in a Nutshell
@shortstories This Will happen with Vegans if vegans only have babies with other Vegans and raise Those babies vegan since birth. In a few decades we will witness a evolution presure in this portion of the human population still able to have babies with non Vegans but the mark that will separate from other human population Is that Will live way longer than the general population For example today For men the average lifespan Is 78 years old I imagine in the case of Vegan men Will be 95 in averag
@shortstories @Stahesh @LysanderMooner It depends Who breeds the most in the US mexican and other south American in the end are the ones that Will Make the rule in the case of Canada I think Muslim are the ones but Pajeets are near second
@VooDooMedic Is that You sex doll Voodoo?
@Starprophet That stuff looks like a Christ in the crox
@DoubleD Don't look Neo Paganism Is just another branch of New Age stuff. Here Is a video of a true Pagan talking.
@Indignation @LysanderMooner Dude everything Is fake and gay Donald Trump have choose by the Jews to be next president to SEND the Right to die For Israel and Ukraine
@shortstories Damn the guy with Hittler costume is awesome 😆😆😆😆
@UncleIroh @DoubleD @Based_Accelerationist
Can't You just wait until August 4th I want to SEND everyone in merovingian TFM's I told You dance
@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist @DoubleD
Is fake and Gay Donald Trump is part of The Cathedral and his rol is to be the Antichrist this August 4th he Will have the film name "Donald Trump Headshot" were they use Hollywood Magic to Make people believe that he got a lethal headshot declare dead but revive with his head a face wrapped with bandages like the singer of the weeknd.
Here Is a detail explanation of Fake and Gay Donald Trump Show if You guys are interest in what really happens
@Mr_Mister Not trolling I am being serious let me give a link of someone that can explain detail what happen
@Mr_Mister person
@Mr_Mister No one die must be a Made UP perdón that really don't exist
@VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey Or everything was Fake and Gay and was stage movie and there wasnt any shoots just movie special effects including the Donald Trump bleeding