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THE Funniest part about this short is that was post in a Lefty Channel 😆😆😆😆😆😆

This is Today marriage in a Nutshell

You guys Will enjoy this one

This is why The Kathedral Will eventually win despite everything TFM said

Regarding LAST Sa turd ay Show

The Jews Will Flee to Argentina and Japan

@VooDooMedic Following a Lefty on YouTube show this MEME Damn I haven't laugh this hard for a while Now Lets do The same with Australia

Don't know if this video Is real but still Is Funny as hell maybe The Normies want to slave me but a least I can laugh of their stupidity

I think this branch of The Redpilled community are delusional thinking they can replace Literally billions years of evolution with these Artificial Wombs

@shortstories @Zeb @37712 @Stahesh Duckweed and nutritional yeast have all The B12 I need both easy to farm in nature

Where are The Good Man at
Magic The Gathering with The Hommies

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.