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@dander man got so coom brained he lost his ability to speak

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@RegalBeagle do they actually employ Chinese women as spy's? I thought it was just a movie cliche because actual women get caught switching sides too much cuz 'the dick be gud'

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Remember they needed to make a "professional" and hip "music video" to tell abos to stop sniffing petrol, AND it was tax payer funded...
Man where else can you find this level of fucking nonsense

@Mr_Mister change it from women's to womens it currently says take away women is rights away

@sardonicsmile explain this in non retard terms please what the fuck does this mean and why should i care

How to recognise actual and legitimate bots and shills

@Based_Accelerationist yes Whites had Celtic paganism and it was mercilessly destroyed

So I've been reading a lot of manga recently stumbled across this one and it's probably my favorite, it's called "Leveling with the gods" and it's basically a story about a guy who is trying to climb "the tower" and this tower has an interesting premise and is extremely well told, enjoy!

@mutageno2 when he says shit like this I'm like yeah yeah good shit

Anyone have any juicy news about the hurricane?

@Basedshibe riding the car without a seatbelt? I known right! An absolute travesty 😂

First thing I thought when I saw this photo was "damn their even stealing entire houses now you can't have shit in Detroit" lmao

Hello fellow bankers:
If you wanted to make some serious coin right now I'd be looking at NC and offering to take on their "mortgages" for their homes and then putting share homes in there where one plot fit a family of 4 you could fit so many migrants in there holy moly wow they're all red states too :Glowie: even better goyim :happyjewishmerchant:

@Tfmonkey no call her daddy isn't what you think it is I laughed so hard when I heard you trying to figure out what it was with no context its a whore podcast celebrating whores and whore topics case and point

15 minute supercut of kikes getting their shit pushed in by iranian missiles, with original audio:

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.