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@basedbagel - Sounds solid. Not having interference from her mother seems like a challenge under current circumstances. Maybe as things progress, it will become less of an obstacle.

I've heard that traditionally, the bride's family pays the dowry to the groom. Never made sense to me for the longest.

But that dowry paid by the bride's family, is something like a house-warming gift. And it goes to the groom, because he's the head of household - but it's intended to give the bride a good start.🍻

@UncleIroh - Are the elves being portrayed as an evil invading army, when they're trying to maintain their own sovereignty after numerous broken treaties, and be not gay? 🤔

@37712 @sardonicsmile - to clarify a hot take: losing her rights would be part of the bargain. If a freedom fighter is fighting the govt, then he's fighting the entirety of the govt - to include family courts and anyone seeking to enforce women's rights.

When breedable girls are getting drafted... It's Taliban time.

@37712 @sardonicsmile - That girl is already a war-bride. She can be the cathedral's war-bride. Or she can be a freedom-fighter's war-bride. Personally, I think she's better off with the freedom-fighter. More importantly, the cause of freedom is better off with the ability to reproduce.

So when a man is fighting to keep the likes of her out of the war, he's really just fighting the govt over a woman. He is fighting the govt over who owns that property.

Any armed man who loves freedom should.🥃

@37712 @sardonicsmile - Unpopular opinion - I would fight to keep this girl out of the war. 💪 Hear me out...

When the breeding age females are being drafted, that's go-time. It's apparent at that point, that they are up for grabs. And they might as well be bred by the likes of me - better than a senseless death in a senseless war.

And by then, war has already broken out between the strong men and those that would conscript them. So you might as well. New civilizations don't build themselves. 🍻

@furgar - Simps come in all colors.

I don't see this in racial terms. I see a man willing to publicly portray himself as a slave, to his wife. That doesn't bode well for this guy.

@basedbagel - "Normal" is an illusion. If you're doing alright in life, then I really wouldn't recommend worrying about it.

Some crazy people I know, are made even crazier by their fruitless pursuit of normal. It's nuts. If they could only let go, then they could at least be fun, wacky, zany crazy. But instead, they drive themselves into manipulative, malicious, hypocritical crazy. It's so sad... and all for a mirage. 😔🫗

@basedbagel - Nah, it's not gay.

It *is* incredibly lame though. 🤭😂🤣

@ButtWorldsMan - I did best of 3.

2/3 Hitler, and 1/3 rainbow haired. 😂

@dander - My default position when a female is talking, is severe skepticism. And the same is true here.

Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely true? Probably not.

@Wopu - I've had YouTube videos simply display in a post. But with a picture, 🤔 I would assume that it needs to be downloaded to your device, and then uploaded to your post.

A standard URL is just a link to a page, and it wouldn't display the pic, because the pic is embedded in the page. But then again, it's been a long time since I've worked in IT. 💁🏻‍♂️🍻

@Wopu - I'm not seeing the picture in your post. But I'm able to follow the link. Can't say I lol'd, but it *is* a spicy one.

@RoninGrey @shortstories - Re: OP

I like dragons. I don't see them as Satanic. I suspect they've been painted as Satanic by the church, because they represent an older ethos, and one that is more grounded in reality.

Western Dragons seem to represent values that are opposed by the church in classic 'master-morality vs slave-morality' fashion.

I would never worship Satan though, so the fact that the two are often associated can be baffling, if a person is only seeing in dichotomies. 🫡🍻

@BHG- I'm hoping that the dire circumstances in the general landscape will cause a "crisis of faith" (or reality calling the bluff of Christian BS), for most - as prayers go unanswered and the world falls apart in spite of all their faith and assurances.

And that after that process, it'd be a simpler matter of actively fostering a culture/mindset to replace Christianity, with just a few crucified examples along the way.

It's funny though, I'd have no beef if christians could only be honest. 💁🏻‍♂️🍻

@BHG - Personally, for what it's worth, I plan to crucify bible-thumpers in the post-collapse.

If I should cross paths with the Pope under such circumstances, I would crucify him as soon as he informed me that his book tells me how I need to live. 🍻

@rohrkrepierer - Uh oh... 😳


@MaleGoddess - This is relatable... 🤔🤔 But I have something to say about it:

The scenario described does happen. And you make a fair point about a good woman choosing trash. It's unreasonable to expect any woman, to be more than a woman.

I see generations of male failure at work when this happens. Sure, it's the product of generations of females calling shots, and that is male failure.

If there's a lesson, it is this: when taking women's rights away, even your mom must lose her rights.

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