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@basedbagel @Scubbie @UncleIroh @brimshae

The timeline is the collapse already started, we're in it.

The collapse isn't a falling off point, it's not a cliff, it's a downward slope, it's going to get worse, and it's never going to get better. Every generation from here on out is going to have it worse than the previous generation.
This doesn't guarantee that major governments will fall, they may still maintain control, but given the ineptitude or malice of the powers that be, I'm sure we could see it in our lifetime. If not our lifetime, then our children's.

Insurance rates are higher for men than women <25 and here's why i don't care.

Even if we pushed this issue it would never go anywhere since:

A. Women are the majority of voters and would never vote to pay more for car insurance

B.The gender cost difference evens out at 25 and guess who pays for most women <25 insurance? FATHERS

I have a funny feeling they won't vote to pay for for their baby girls car insurance.

Another reason I will NEVER trust a man with daughters.

So apparently you're supposed to give two to four car lengths of distance to give yourself time to break in case of a freak accident.

But the problem is if you give someone two to four car thinks of space you're just going to get passed all day.

Decisions decisions

Every stage of life I think to myself:

"These are the dumbest people I've ever met"

Then I get to a new stage of life and meet people so much worst I miss the old dummies.

This also applies to politicians

No one could bring me back to the plantation inn this hellscspe of a society but my ideal woman would be:

Stable finances
Simple(Not high maintenance)

I switched to a trackball mouse and a split ergonomic keyboard and RSI is gone!

I will NEVER use the term BCE

Just because a Bunch of "academic" atheists with too much time on their hands don't want to acknowledge God doesn't mean I wont.

I don't trust any red 💊 man with a daughter. I've seen too much

> a girl who is just so madly in love with the main character who young men can connect with.

Due to past transgressions the idea of some girl being super clingy to the point of doing illegal shit gives me a reverse erection.

> most anime is geared towards young male minors

Touche. I guess I'm officially an aniboomer

What's something that you thought was normal but in hindsight wasn't?

I always thought family bonding activities were just filler on TV and never happened in real life lol.

Come to find out a decade later not only do people do family bonding activities but they enjoy it?!

Life is strange

I will never understand the appeal of Yandere and I don't want to


Agreed. For every Country song that warns about the evils of a bad woman, there's 10 dealing in heartsick, lovesick, female worshipping, male sacrificing, good woman bullshit.

No disrespect to southerners but country music is the most SIMPY music there is

@basedbagel The founding fathers didn't want government runned schools for this exact reason.
@basedbagel We need a culture that promotes the trades, & industry here, nobody knows how to build anything, & all the materials we need go to other countries.

🚗 update:

Thank you guys for all your advice!

I bought a hyper tough set dry vac and it helped with the dampness but what helped the most?

The Bissell little green proheat vacuum model 2513e!

That thing got rid of 90% of the baking soda residue in no time.

The only problem is it started leaking so unfortunately I'm going to have to return it. 😫

It's such a shame you finally find a good product and it's just not made to last SMH

Until smartphone makers stop their anti consumer practices and prices go down i will be buying ALL my phones used from now on.

Building things is hard. Making positive change is hard. Being consistent is hard.

Support the projects and people that are trying to do these hard things in your work, communities, etc. Give encouragement and ask how you can help. We need more of that.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.