@ButtWorldsMan this is not about Twitter follows, but rather about how men regardless of their age are most interested in women in their 20s and women who are older than that being salty that men would rather date a woman in her 20s than a woman in her 30s or 40s. Women are most upset when they get their life plan to delay "settling down" in their 30s with a provider so they can be"young wild and free" in their 20s gets disrupted by men opting out of that rotten deal.
@shortstories Just looked it up. The name of his church is called Faithful Word Baptist church. And even in websites like Wikipedia and Preachersofhate (just discovered that with his section here: https://www.preachersofhate.com/steven-anderson/), they still have no mention of the Westboro Baptist "church" with his name.
Come on, @Tfmonkey, get your movie references right. "Well, we're waiting!" Is from Caddy Shack, not one of those overrated Adam Sandler movies.
Sheesh, I expect more professionalism from a talking chimp. Not this level of sloppiness.
@shortstories >I believe he is the Pastor for Westboro Church which is labeled as a hate group
No, that is not true. As I recall, that "church" is just a bunch of lawyers that are looking to provoke people into attacking them so they can get lawsuit money.
Pastor Anderson leads a different church. Not remembering the name, but it is most certainly not the Westboro Baptist Church.
@WashedOutGundamPilot I would say faggots like Bruce Springsteen should shut up about politics and just sing, but his songs suck too.
Bruce, I was alive during the Obama years. I recall all the charges of "racism" if anyone opposed the Affordable Care Act and all that other stuff. Just because the media deepthroated Obama and called him a "great unifier" does not mean it was true.
Now who should care if you are called a racist? It means nothing now, only that you know exactly what is true.
@caekislove @deprecated_ii Yep, they literally copied TikTok's UI because they saw that it was starting to take away users. The problem with YouTube is that they misunderstood why users were going to TikTok. No, it was not the user interface that brought people over. It was YouTube becoming a worse platform with all their stupid bullshit, censoring, and other bias that brought them over.
@sardonicsmile This is a sad case for any man trapped in the "need experience to get experience" state. For men like this, the only hope is fake it until you make it. Do not tell women about your lack of experience. That is only going to make things worse.
Ideally, you would not have to do that, but the world we live in is not fair, and women are not the pure, empathetic beings they are made out to be.
The only question to ask is if it is worth the effort for men. Often, the answer is no.
@PapaPole If cars are indeed outlawed and women no longer have that as a measuring stick for how well off a guy is, I am sure they will find some other standard to use instead. So it would ultimately not change the dynamics of the sexual marketplace, it will just change some details.
This is not to say that being less car dependency would not bring some improvements overall, but rather we should not be foolish enough to think that city planning is going to magically make things better. Especially when all the countries with "good public transportation" just so happen to be in countries with the most ethnically homogenous populations with a higher average IQ.
America is not that, by any means, and it will only get worse.
If you ever want to wonder why Americans are going to be resistant to going "car free" or having "smart cities" with a high amount of public transportation, look at what is going on right now in parts of America that are trying to enact these sort of policies.
I guarantee you the bike faggot at Not Just Bikes will never touch this topic, nor acknowledge that as white countries get more non-whites, these issues will just get worse.
@basedbagel I am so sorry that your IQ is too low to appreciate the highly intellectual masterpiece known as Rick and Morty. Maybe if you read more books, got at least a Master's degree at a prestigious university and trust the science you could understand just how great a show it is.
But you didn't! Excuse me while I smoke weed and listen to Sam Harris for the next 10 hours, exactly what a true intellectual would do!
The same reason we do not get many whistleblowers against these people is the same reason we do not get them for politics. They are usually silenced, slandered, or killed for speaking out. Keep in mind the same people covering politics also cover entertainment. And they are all part of the same circles, the news media, entertainment media, and politicians. So it should not surprise you that they silence those who would reveal entertainment media as abusive pedophiles.
We already know that the media is not to be trusted when it comes to political coverage, but it should not be reach to consider that they should not be trusted with other things that are "non-political" such as entertainment.
The fact that the media went so hard against Michael Jackson to label him as crazy (though maybe that is true to some extent) while they ignored/covered for so many others makes me think he was innocent of the accusations.
Come to think of it, he was famous as a kid too.
One of the greatest tricks ever played on the public was the idea that child celebrities just "go crazy" for no reason by the time they become an adult.
"The fame and pressure just got to them and it was too much for their young minds!"
Hey, maybe it is all the pedophiles that are in the entertainment industry causing psychological damage to these kids! Or are we to just believe kids "go crazy" for no reason?
If she is removed, it will not be due to the voters in her district. They are either the Somalians she admits to be representing first and foremost or are the most cucked progressive leftists who would vote for her no matter what (just look at how blue her district is, given that it is Comminneapolis).
So I have no idea how it would happen, but considering all things in the balance, it could really go either way.
On one hand, I expect this to just be political grandstanding by Republicans to make it look like they are "doing something" when they expect any expulsion efforts to fail.
On the other hand, Ilhan Omar has been very anti-Israel for a long time, and if we know anything about our politics, being "anti-Semetic" is a sure way to get ousted from power, considering that a certain overrepresented group in the Cathedral has been going hard against anyone who does not support their Zionist agenda.
@Wormwood >betray your community
Being an incel is/should be just a status, not something that should serve as the basis for any sort of "community." And it is a status no one wants to have. You wouldn't form a "cancer havers" community, would you? Rather, it makes more sense to have a cancer survivors community, as a bad status is one you are trying to leave, not remain in.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.