Men That Got Sent
Tall Tales of a Roman Holocaust
Here are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud: Gittin 57b. Claims that four billion Jews were
killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were
wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans. (Ancient demography indicates that there were not
16 million Jews in the entire world at that time, much less 16 million Jewish children or four billion
Michael Hoffman Pamphlet
Are they women or transgender roofers?
And Rabbi Elazar said: What is the meaning of that which is written: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23)? This teaches that Adam had intercourse with each animal and beast in his search for his mate, and his mind was not at ease, in accordance with the verse: “And for Adam, there was not found a helpmate for him” (Genesis 2:20), until he had intercourse with Eve
Yevamot 63a
This is what an Orthodox Jewish text says
Video Title
Israel's top military academy
David Sheen
@Scubbie @JohnGritt @mutageno2
"The curse of Cain, serpents seed when they work the ground it will yield no crops,and they will be restless wanderers"
Do Orthodox so called Jews call farming the lowliest occupation because they have a curse like Cain and do not use the land to grow crops?
Yebamoth 63a
"And Rabbi Elazar said: There is no occupation lowlier than working the land"
Stealthy Chinese Nuclear Submarine Sinks In Secret | World News | WION
Also the time you spend proving you are looking for a job is time that you are not actually looking for a job that you could spend looking for a job
Here is the thing there are lots of people who get paid money to decide who does and does not get food stamps and to handle food stamp paperwork
Sometimes there are just more work hours for these bureaucrats the more requirements you put on food stamps
The extra work hours for these bureaucrats might cost more money than the total money if they were just fired and everyone was given universal basic income equal to what people would normally get for food stamps without gatekeepers
Nick Fuente's "Love Affair" with Trump is OVER, Sept 26, 2024
Jim Rizoli
You got the Orthodox Jews who are homosexual because of Sanhedrin 54 b and then you got the "liberal" Jews that support the Democratic party and it's homosexual agenda
Orthodox Jews teach that white goyim are not human
And "liberal" Jews mostly insist that white people are racist and policies should be enacted against them based on their white race
Orthodox Judaism is matriarchal tracing based on the women's bloodline and "liberal Jews" are feminists
What is the difference in ideology?
@Based_Accelerationist @VeganMGTOW
So is the plan fake Trump assassination then Kamala Harris says Trump was correct Iran assassinated Trump
Then Kamala goes to war against Iran as a Democrat and all the Republicans support her because they are going to war to avenge Trump's death
I am not saying that is the plan
I am asking
Of course Trump keeps threatening to blow up Iran over the staged assassination attempts.
Anyone who tells you he's better than Kamala, is lying to you. Anyone who pushes the narrative that the dEeP sTaTe wants to assassinate the orange puppet is either controlled opposition or blind.
If Israel controls both parties and one of them was trying to target Trump, WHY would Trump make his death even more appealing for Israel, by blaming Iran and saying the US must obliterate them if they succeed?
Grandfather lied to get Holocaust survivor benefits he was actually living in England during the alleged holocaust
He then asked friends and they all said they lied about being Holocaust survivors to get benefits
He could not find even one who was in the Holocaust camps
Grandparents Are Holo(caust)Huxter Liars, Sept 26, 2024
Jim Rizoli
Nationalism not Globalism
Local Anarchist communities not Worldwide Anarchism
Corporations, United Nations Governments, Most Media and Most Clergy are on Team Evil
The Jewish religion intends to exterminate Christians
The Jewish religion intends to enslave or exterminate Gentiles or Goyim
Palestinians are the true Hebrew Israelites
at short stories at
poa dot st
merovingian dot club