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Taichi can not solve the problem's from aging poorly China has caused by Feminism, Neo-Confucianism and Neo-Marxism

The intensity level of the exercise is usually very low

Because the intensity is so low old people can do it if they or someone else really messed up their lives so that they can not handle high intensity exercise anymore

But it will not reverse aging poorly if people are stuck with it and do not raise the intensity

If you have no offspring to care for you, you need exercise

When I read the Old Testament I do not read it as a book praising Kikes but as a book with people trying to explain to Kikes how to stop behaving badly so that bad things that they caused by their own bad behavior would stop happening to them

I do not read it as a book saying we should support whatever Kikes do no matter how badly they behave

It is symbolic of people's attitude to how they respond to truthful information that makes them uncomfortable

Idols are symbolic of comfortable lies

The primary cause of modern day anti-semitism is Kikes choosing to behave badly in modern times

1 Recognize the problem

2 Talk about the problem

3 Wait until enough people recognize the problem and are willing to do something about it collectively

4 Do something about the problem

Never do step 4 until step 3 is achieved. What about problems you can solve yourself? Then the number of people required in step 3 is one. But for other problems that involve groups of people the number of people required to solve the problem usually increases the larger the group causing the problem is

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When Orthodox Kikes were allowed to do oral suction circumcision surgery on humanoids without their consent in the name of religious freedom of the kike performing the suction, without addressing the religious freedom of the humanoid receiving the suction's right to refuse to be sucked then that was the slippery slope that allowed fake transgender surgeries on humanoids that did not actually change their biological gender without ethical means to determine their freedom to consent

What a day. I had my appendix removed, now resting at the hospital. It is what it is.

The caption: “The Jew: The inciter of war, the prolonger of war.” This poster was released in late 1943 or early 1944. The artist was Hans Schweitzer (“Mjölnir”). Courtesy of Dr. Robert D. Brooks.

This poster in Russian is probably from 1941. A visitor tells me it can translated as follows: “Get the Jewish-Bolshevist warmongers out of Europe!”

This little light of mine
I am going to let it shine
I am not going to let the kikes poof it out
I am going to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

Kikes are children of the devil they are not on the level

Nazi Propaganda Newspaper
An issue of the antisemitic propaganda newspaper Der Stürmer (The Attacker) is posted on the sidewalk in Worms, Germany, in 1935. The headline above the case says, "The Jews Are Our Misfortune."

The Eternal Jew 1940 aka Der Ewige Jude

I have found one full film with english dubbing on YT

Giving a black girl a monkey stuffed animal for valentines day

@shortstories I think A is better because it have bigger gaps than B


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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.