Down Syndrome rates increased over time among individuals who identify as Black, Hispanic, or AIAN, but not among white or Asian individuals
Meanwhile someone without down syndrome is paying taxes & can not afford to become a parent without welfare because of those taxes that go to single moms & because of business regulations that require not discriminating against those with intellectual disabilities
Will these policies result in the next generations having more intellectual disabilities?
Article claiming a Korean woman actress with down syndrome is getting married to a man with an intellectual disability
Which influences whether or not certain ethnic groups commit violence , fraud and theft against other different outside ethnic groups more
1 Whether they are foreigners or natives to the country they are in
2 The typical belief system taught from parent to child in their culture
3 Their genetics
4 Whether or not the other different outside ethnic groups surrounding them are xenophobic, racist or religiously bigoted
The TFM Show: February 22nd, 2025
Women's Education a wasted investment
What if the brainwashing was more successful at getting soldiers to say bad things about the United States side in the Vietnamese and Korean wars or conflicts with the United States because Communist Kikes have already convinced the military people to side with the communists prior to the soldiers being deployed on the battlefield
A new study that has Orthodox society abuzz shows that Israeli teens enrolled in all-boys and all-girls schools are more likely to engage in sexual activities with members of their own sex than their peers in coed schools. They are also more inclined to feel conflicted about their sexual identity
Orthodox = Orthodox Jews
Sanhedrin 54b and other parts of the Orthodox Jewish Talmud promotes homosexuality
A friend just texted that I was correct about gold going to $3000.
What he doesn’t realize is that gold is on the way to $30,000. The future for gold is all over but the shouting.
Gold will experience ups and downs on its way up, and likely be subject to selloffs because it is real liquid money, but the future for gold is only bright and shiny.
see how they are programing us, after years of shit from boomers, now they expect us to take care of them.
Did you know in Mar-a-Lago there's a large sculpture of a goat covered in $100 bills? And each of these bills has Tump's face instead of Benjamin Franklin's and says "In Trump We Trust". The goat is also standing on top of what looks like scorched soil with American flags drawn on the sides.
This is a very obvious representation of a Judas goat, a goat trained to lead the sheep to the slaughterhouse.
They're laughing in your face and honestly, why shouldn't they?
Autism & Society Explained: You've Been Conned (The Great Neurotypical Swindle)
Support Group For Men Whose Wives are Getting Fat
Ryan Long
Nationalism not Globalism
Local Anarchist communities not Worldwide Anarchism
Corporations, United Nations Governments, Most Media and Most Clergy are on Team Evil
The Jewish religion intends to exterminate Christians
The Jewish religion intends to enslave or exterminate Gentiles or Goyim
Palestinians are the true Hebrew Israelites
at short stories at
poa dot st
merovingian dot club